History of CRIBR
The political, social and economic climate of the sub-continent has been through a sea change in the last decades. There have been significant shifts in the perceptions of perspectives, major changes in the vision of the objective conditions and quickly fluctuating thrusts in the matter of choices and priorities—all these have presented a historic and strategic “Paradigm Shift”. Both the governmental and non-governmental organizations have now to encounter a situation in which the identification and comprehension of problems is not so easy as before. Confusions and contradictions have proliferated. Research organisation, in this cloudy environment, CRIBR have to equip themselves with the right insight and far-sight to measure up with the prevalent potential challenges.
Our Founding Members

Prof. Santimoy Roy

Prof. Jayanta Kumar Ray

Prof. Amalendu Dey

Shri Bimal Pramanik