Center For Research In Indo


Shankar Sarkar

The road transport & communication always play a vital role in every country all over the world  for the welfare and betterment. We can learn  lessons from history.  Notorious Afghan ruler Sultan Mahmud attacked India 18 times and killed many people & looted the valuable wealth like, gold, and money from Somnath Mandir. He built road, big highways and madrasas for his own country by using this looted wealth and  money and his country developed fast. For this reason, Sultan Mahmoud is the hero in the eyes of Islam. 

Now a days, we often observe in the national daily newspapers in our country that Bangladesh is losing at least 25 to 30 thousand crores of  Bangladeshi taka only due to traffic jam in Dhaka city. Concerned ministry has been working to solve this problem. We know that nearly 15 million people are living in Dhaka city. Presently, if a person wants to travel from one area to another area of Dhaka city he requires at least 3 to 4 hours.  It is nothing but wastage of time.

After 1971, every Bangladesh government especially from the time of Chief Martial Law Administrator (CMLA)  and former president H M Ershad tried to prevent Sheikh Hasina government to give  top priority of communication for the progress of Bangladesh. As for example, now I draw attention about the Benapole to Dhaka transport and communication issue especially after the completion of Padma bridge. Actually for the Padma Bridge directly connected with the whole south west part of Bangladesh with capital city Dhaka.

Now one person can save 5 to 6 hours time which present   economic value Bangladeshi Tk 300( more or less) because at present a daily Bangladeshi unskilled labour  gets Tk 500 for his eight hours working time. In this way if 5000 people go through this Padma bridge from capital Dhaka to Benapole land port near about Bangladeshi Taka 1500000 is saved for the people of the country which is added per day with the national GDP of Bangladesh. And if this people is 10000 in that case amount will increase accordingly. In the same calculation per year amount is near about Bangladeshi Tk. 547500000. Every day thousands of businessmen, tourist, patients, student etc. various types & purpose peoples are going to visit India through this Dhaka-Benapole  high way  route by road. As far we know at least 20 Bus companies are operating  services from Dhaka to Benapole daily. Each Coach company takes 3 to  5 trips from Dhaka to Benapole. This 20 bus company at least carry 4000 people daily and for a period of one month the total number of passengers will be nearly  120000 and these passengers will save  about Taka 36000000 per month and per year Bangladeshi taka near about 43 crore to 50 crore which will add annual GDP of Bangladesh extra.

Time is most important for every country of the world today. Every nation  has been trying to utilise  time properly.  Actually,  the Padma bridge is a blessing of Bangladesh for making economic structure more inevitable than before.

 We have noticed that everyday near about 300 to 350 trucks ( loading capacity of per truck is 10 to 15 tons goods) move forward  from India via  Benapole  land port to Dhaka.  The Padma Bridge  is a conducive factor to  spread trade and business services all over Bangladesh quickly. We have come to know from a reliable source that everyday the goods carrying trucks carry goods at least US Dollar 25000 which is equivalent to Bangladeshi taka 2500000 valued goods by each truck. The Bangladeshi importers & Bangladesh government both are imported various types of goods  from India.

The Bangladesh government, private companies & businessmen export goods to India. Though Bangladesh import much quantity from India.  On the other hand, Bangladesh export less quantity than India.  INLa trade different is very big. If we calculate the total cost value or economic value of 300 or 350  goods loaded truck it will be approximately per day US Dollar 75 00000 to US Dollars 9000000 which is equivalent to Bangladeshi taka cost of  75 crores. The amount will be Bangladeshi taka 2250 crore per month and  Bangladeshi taka 27000 crore per year. This amount is increasing  very  fast through the blessing of Padma Bridge. Only for the Padma bridge road transport and communication will bring big change in Bangladesh. It is the great contribution of the Padma bridge to Bangladesh economy. And not   only that same  goods loaded trucks are coming from Bhomra land port which is near to Benapole port. Through Bhomra & Benapole ports combinedly total amount valued cost will be near about 50000 crore taka. These huge quantity goods are quickly coming & spreading fast through out Bangladesh and its main route is the Padma Bridge. If there is no Padma bridge it will take long time and economic development  will be more slow.  The concerned experts say and  Bangladesh economists desire that at least Bangladesh will improve her GDP 10 per cent higher than before  only for the Padma Bridge. Not only that the roads and highways are developed and it will become more easier communication than past.  So now farmers will get more price for their out put. Students also will not lose time and can give more attention to studies and women will be  able to work out of the house and will earn for family and shall make national economy stronger. Businessmen will be able to make profit and can earn more. In simple words whole nation will be benefitted in enormous way due to the construction of Padma Bridge and other communication projects on Bangladesh.

Sankor Sarkar


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